$29.00 USD

Get. Grants. Better. ® Course #2: How to Write a Mission and Vision Statement

Make your vision and mission statements more strategic.

Unlock the power of effective communication and strategic planning by enrolling in our comprehensive online grant writing course, "How to Write Mission and Vision Statements." In this course, participants will explore the art and science of developing compelling mission and vision statements that resonate with stakeholders, guide organizational direction, and inspire lasting change.

By the end of this course, you will learn about:

  • What is a vision statement?
  • See examples of winning vision statements
  • Write YOUR vision statement
  • What is a mission statement?
  • See examples of winning mission statements
  • Write YOUR mission statement 

This course also includes the following template(s):

  • Get.Grants.Better.® Grant Writing Template

We guarantee forever access to all of our courses.  No refunds at any time.